Revelations: Aliens


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Angels, demons, and aliens collide. Choose your side. Let me entertain you with this interactive alien invasion game, lovingly illustrated in the style of Renaissance paintings of angelic and demonic hosts.

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Key Features

  • psychology

    Psychological Warfare

    Immerse in psychological warfare, manipulating allegiances among angels, demons, and aliens in this interactive game of revelations.

  • settings_ethernet

    Immersive Networking

    Engage in immersive networking, building alliances with angelic and demonic hosts to combat the impending alien invasion.

  • explore

    Exploration Quests

    Embark on exploration quests, unraveling the mysteries of alien invaders within a Renaissance-themed world of angelic and demonic conflict.

  • flight

    Aerial Dominance

    Establish aerial dominance, maneuvering through Renaissance skies to encounter and confront the extraterrestrial forces amidst an angelic and demonic backdrop.

  • mood

    Emotional Engagement

    Experience emotional engagement, navigating between angels, demons, and aliens to shape your fate within an immersive alien invasion narrative.

  • visibility

    Visionary Storytelling

    Participate in visionary storytelling, portraying your role in a captivating tale of angelic, demonic, and alien conflict, set within Renaissance aesthetics.

  • toys

    Interactive Gameplay

    Enjoy interactive gameplay, where choices impact the fate of angels, demons, and aliens, in an artistically rendered narrative inspired by Renaissance art.

  • flare

    Epic Confrontations

    Engage in epic confrontations, participating in battles against alien intruders amidst the dramatic clash of angelic and demonic forces.

  • language

    Language of Allegiance

    Master the language of allegiance, navigating the intricate dynamics between angels, demons, and aliens as you choose your side in this interactive alien invasion narrative.

  • videogame_asset

    Artistic Gaming Experience

    Indulge in an artistic gaming experience, merging Renaissance aesthetics with the tactical challenges of an alien invasion game, enriched with angelic and demonic themes.


  • What are the features of Revelations: Aliens game?

  • Can I participate in an alien invasion in Revelations: Aliens?

  • How can I engage with the angelic and demonic hosts in Revelations: Aliens?

  • Is Revelations: Aliens a blend of angelic, demonic, and alien elements?

  • What makes Revelations: Aliens a unique alien invasion game?

  • Can I choose sides in the conflict in Revelations: Aliens?

  • What type of game is Revelations: Aliens?

  • Is Revelations: Aliens an immersive alien invasion experience?

  • What sets Revelations: Aliens apart from other interactive games?

  • What visual style does Revelations: Aliens adopt?

  • Can I experience an otherworldly adventure in Revelations: Aliens?

  • Is Revelations: Aliens set in a unique gaming environment?

  • Can I expect entertainment and immersion in Revelations: Aliens?

  • What kind of illustrations can I find in Revelations: Aliens?
