B-Movie Time Travellers


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Star as the campiest time-travelling troubleshooter in history. Let me entertain you with this interactive repair-the-timeline game, lovingly illustrated in the style of low-budget B-movies from the 1950s.

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Key Features

  • movie

    Campy Time-Travel Adventure

    Embark on a campy time-travel adventure, solving timeline issues and enjoying an interactive journey through the 1950s B-movie world.

  • gamepad

    Interactive Gameplay

    Engage in interactive gameplay, repairing the timeline and making impactful decisions as the campiest time-travelling troubleshooter.

  • group_work

    Community Encounters

    Participate in community challenges, meet fellow time-travellers, and collaborate to tackle historical mishaps in this themed universe.

  • explore

    Explore Retro Worlds

    Discover and explore retro worlds, artistically designed to mimic the charm and quirkiness of 1950s B-movies, adding a unique touch to your time-travelling escapades.

  • music_note

    Retro Soundtrack

    Immerse yourself in a retro soundtrack, perfectly capturing the essence of B-movies, elevating your experience through the nostalgic sounds of the 1950s.

  • theaters

    Theatrical Experience

    Experience a theatrical journey, plunging into the world of low-budget B-movies and embodying the quirkiest character in this engaging and lighthearted time-travelling tale.

  • event_available

    Live Event Participation

    Participate in live events, synchronizing with other players to fix timeline anomalies and revel in the quirky 1950s B-movie nostalgia with others.

  • redeem

    Rewards and Achievements

    Unlock rewards and achievements, showcasing your mastery in repairing the timeline amidst B-movie adventures, earning recognition for your time-travelling expertise.

  • local_play

    Wholesome Entertainment

    Indulge in wholesome entertainment, relishing the charm of low-budget B-movies and experiencing a delightful blend of interactive storytelling and time-travelling excitement.

  • videogame_asset

    Engaging Storyline

    Dive into an engaging storyline, navigating through time-travelling narratives while embracing the absurdity and endearing charm of 1950s B-movies.


  • What is B-Movie Time Travellers game about?

  • Can I star as a time-travelling troubleshooter in B-Movie Time Travellers?

  • Is B-Movie Time Travellers game illustrated in the style of 1950s B-movies?

  • What kind of entertainment does B-Movie Time Travellers game offer?

  • Can I expect interactive and comical scenarios in B-Movie Time Travellers game?

  • Is the campy setting of B-Movie Time Travellers inspired by low-budget B-movies?

  • Are the illustrations in B-Movie Time Travellers game lovingly done?

  • What makes B-Movie Time Travellers game a captivating experience?

  • Can players expect a nostalgic gaming experience in B-Movie Time Travellers?

  • How does B-Movie Time Travellers game stand out?

  • Are the campy narratives in B-Movie Time Travellers game engaging?

  • Does the B-Movie Time Travellers game offer an amusing and whimsical journey?

  • What should players expect from the visual style of B-Movie Time Travellers game?

  • Can players look forward to an entertaining and interactive storyline in B-Movie Time Travellers game?
